India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) & Industry Network Technology Council (INTC) will be organizing the 6th iteration of Connections as a joint fully online event on Feb 5-8 2024.
IPv6 track with talks from Davey Song and Tommy Pauly
In recent years, the global uptake of IPv6 has accelerated significantly. This presentation will offer insights into the large-scale deployment and practical implementation of IPv6 at Alibaba Group. As a leading case study, Alibaba’s experience exemplifies the IPv6 development within China.
Happy Eyeballs Version 3: Better Connectivity Using Concurrency
Many communication protocols operating over the modern Internet use hostnames. These often resolve to multiple IP addresses, each of which may have different performance and connectivity characteristics. Since specific addresses or address families (IPv4 or IPv6) may be blocked, broken, or sub-optimal on a network, clients that attempt multiple connections in parallel have a chance of establishing a connection more quickly. This presentation describes the requirements for algorithms that reduce this user-visible delay and provides an example algorithm, referred to as “Happy Eyeballs” over its various iterations.