Partners & Collaborators


Grants: Asia Pacific IPv6 deployment grants availaible 

The ISIF Asia grant program for IPv6 deployments is open to all kinds of organizations, including private companies, and the grants range between USD 30,000 and USD 250,000. The organization needs to have an IPv6 allocation and the project should be in the Asia Pacific.

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Call for Comments: IPv6 Transition

There are significant potential benefits to transitioning enterprise networks to IPv6, but wide-scale adoption in general enterprise settings continues to lag. Questions about the viability of technologies and deployment guidance necessary to do so securely remain a barrier to progress for many. The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is working with interested stakeholders to define a scope of work, use cases, and hardware and software components needed for the IPv6 Transition project.

The public comment period for this draft Project Description is now open through January 27, 2022. 

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MoU: with India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc)

INTC mission aligns well with the mission of IIESoc to bring together different stakeholders from the computer networking community across industry, academia, service providers, and government. IIESoc exists to further the adoption of IETF standards and increase awareness & participation in the IETF process with the focus on India and the sub-continent.  IIESoc has conducted a pre-IETF event called Connections and an informal meetup called RFCsWeLove since 2017. 
We hope this MoU is the foundation on which a great working relationship can be made between IIESoc & INTC for the betterment of the respective communities they serve.

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NITK, Surathkal, India

MoU: with National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal India

INTC alongside IIESoc is working towards IPv6 adoption at NITK.  

NITK is a public engineering university at SurathkalMangalore, India. It was founded in 1960, it is one of the 31 National Institutes of Technology in India and is recognised as an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India. NITK Surathkal offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Engineering, Science and Management. The institute has 14 departments and 11 support centres with about 200 faculty members, 300 support staff, 5,500 students and 26,500 alumni worldwide.


We hope this MoU is the foundation on which a great working relationship can be made between NITK, IIESoc & INTC.

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