Two-part IPv6 Fundamentals and IPv6 MultiCast training course, led by Networking and IPv6 expert Nalini Elkins. We encourage you to register now for this exciting opportunity!
To be successful in implementing and understanding IPv6 networks, you need to first understand the IPv6 address methodology which is, in many ways, a fundamental change from the IPv4 paradigm. In this introduction, you will become familiar with what is different as well as what is the same with IPv6. Network engineers and systems engineers who are familiar with IPv6 addresses are welcome. This two part series will cover:
● Public and private addresses
● IPv6 Prefixes
● IPv6 Address Structure
● IPv6 Interface ID
● IPv6 Addressing and Address Allocation Methods (stateless, statefull)
● Address types, unicast, multicast, anycast
● Address categories: global, site local, link local
● Unique Local Unicast addresses
● Zero compression
● Special addresses (loopback, unspecified, IPv4 mapped IPv6)
● Broadcast address elimination
We will also do an introduction to Neighbor Discovery (ND). The Neighbor Discovery Protocol is one of key building blocks of IPv6, though it creates an alphabet soup of acronyms (NDP, RA, RS, NS, NA, DAD, MLD, SLAAC, RDNSS). We will describe how NDP works and its basic functions, including addressing and routing.
● Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
● Router Advertisements (RA)
● Router Solicitation (RS)
● Neighbor Solicitation (NS)
● Neighbor Advertisement (NA)
● Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
● Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
● Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
● Router Advertisements for DNS (RDNSS)
Nalini Elkins is the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc, and the President of the Industry Network Technology Council. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis and has been the founder or co-founder of three start-ups in the high-tech arena. Nalini started her career doing network design and monitoring for the Chevron network. She specializes in network performance analysis, measurement, monitoring, tuning, and troubleshooting of large enterprise networks. One of her specialties is training and network design for IPv6 migration for large enterprises. Many Fortune 1000 level companies as well as large US government organizations have taken her classes on various networking topics. She
has developed network monitoring and diagnostic products which were later marketed by IBM and other software companies. She received the A.A. Michelson award from the Computer Measurement Group for her contributions to the field. Nalini is on the Advisory Board of the India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc).
Two-part IPv6 Fundamentals and IPv6 MultiCast training course, led by Networking and IPv6 expert Nalini Elkins. We encourage you to register now for this exciting opportunity!
To be successful in implementing and understanding IPv6 networks, you need to first understand the IPv6 address methodology which is, in many ways, a fundamental change from the IPv4 paradigm. In this introduction, you will become familiar with what is different as well as what is the same with IPv6. Network engineers and systems engineers who are familiar with IPv6 addresses are welcome. This two part series will cover:
● Public and private addresses
● IPv6 Prefixes
● IPv6 Address Structure
● IPv6 Interface ID
● IPv6 Addressing and Address Allocation Methods (stateless, statefull)
● Address types, unicast, multicast, anycast
● Address categories: global, site local, link local
● Unique Local Unicast addresses
● Zero compression
● Special addresses (loopback, unspecified, IPv4 mapped IPv6)
● Broadcast address elimination
We will also do an introduction to Neighbor Discovery (ND). The Neighbor Discovery Protocol is one of key building blocks of IPv6, though it creates an alphabet soup of acronyms (NDP, RA, RS, NS, NA, DAD, MLD, SLAAC, RDNSS). We will describe how NDP works and its basic functions, including addressing and routing.
● Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
● Router Advertisements (RA)
● Router Solicitation (RS)
● Neighbor Solicitation (NS)
● Neighbor Advertisement (NA)
● Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
● Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
● Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
● Router Advertisements for DNS (RDNSS)
Nalini Elkins is the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc, and the President of the Industry Network Technology Council. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis and has been the founder or co-founder of three start-ups in the high-tech arena. Nalini started her career doing network design and monitoring for the Chevron network. She specializes in network performance analysis, measurement, monitoring, tuning, and troubleshooting of large enterprise networks. One of her specialties is training and network design for IPv6 migration for large enterprises. Many Fortune 1000 level companies as well as large US government organizations have taken her classes on various networking topics. She
has developed network monitoring and diagnostic products which were later marketed by IBM and other software companies. She received the A.A. Michelson award from the Computer Measurement Group for her contributions to the field. Nalini is on the Advisory Board of the India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc).
India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) & Industry Network Technology Council (INTC) will be organizing the 6th iteration of Connections as a joint fully online event on Feb 5-8 2024.
IPv6 track with talks from Davey Song and Tommy Pauly
In recent years, the global uptake of IPv6 has accelerated significantly. This presentation will offer insights into the large-scale deployment and practical implementation of IPv6 at Alibaba Group. As a leading case study, Alibaba’s experience exemplifies the IPv6 development within China.
Happy Eyeballs Version 3: Better Connectivity Using Concurrency
Many communication protocols operating over the modern Internet use hostnames. These often resolve to multiple IP addresses, each of which may have different performance and connectivity characteristics. Since specific addresses or address families (IPv4 or IPv6) may be blocked, broken, or sub-optimal on a network, clients that attempt multiple connections in parallel have a chance of establishing a connection more quickly. This presentation describes the requirements for algorithms that reduce this user-visible delay and provides an example algorithm, referred to as “Happy Eyeballs” over its various iterations.
Neighbour Discovery for IPv6 forms the cornerstone of efficient network communication in the IPv6 realm. It facilitates address resolution, duplicate address detection, and router discovery, making it indispensable for seamless communication across IPv6 networks. However, as enterprises migrate to IPv6, the conventional ND6 protocol may face challenges in terms of scalability and performance.
To address these limitations, our research focuses on incorporating the enhancements proposed for 6lowpan in RFC 6775 and 8505 into the mainstream ND6 protocol. These RFCs present innovative solutions that improve the speed and accuracy of neighbour discovery while optimizing the use of multicast messages.
In particular, RFC 6775 outlines mechanisms for optimizing ND6 for low-power and lossy networks (6Lowpan). By bringing these optimizations into the mainstream ND6, we aim to enhance its performance and adaptability, especially in enterprise settings.
Additionally, RFC 8505 proposes solutions to reduce unnecessary traffic and processing overhead in ND6, further optimizing its performance in larger networks. This reduction in overhead is critical for scaling ND6 to meet the demands of modern enterprise environments.
In this presentation, NITK students Sudesh, Advaith, and Kavya will elaborate on our hypothesis, the advanced packet modifications, and their efforts in implementing these upgrades in FreeRtr – an open-source IPv6 routing software. They have been actively involved in the implementation of these enhancement.
Priyanka Sinha was most recently the IoT Analytics lead at Zenatix. She previously worked on Redback Networks’ SmartEdge 800, Itaas’ interactive TV, and TCS Research’s social IoT. She received her BTech in CSE from IIT Guwahati in 2004, her MS in Computer Engineering from Auburn University in 2007, and her PhD in CSE from IIT Kharagpur in 2022. She was a Vodafone fellow at Auburn, where she worked on autoconfiguration in multi-hop mobile adhoc networks.
The goal of this session is to understand the state of the art in Extension Header testing and support in the Internet. Using PDM, we conduct measurement experiments in different scenarios on the internet, such as how various CDNs and Cloud platforms support Extension Headers.
The goal of this session is to understand the state of the art in Extension Header testing and support in the Internet. Using PDM we conduct measurement experiments in different scenarios in the internet such as how various CDNs support Extension Headers.
As part of our ongoing collaboration with academia in India, NITK Surathkal students Balajinaidu V., Chinmaya Sharma, Amogh Umesh and Anirudh Munnur Achal shall also be presenting their experiments with eBPF and EH Testing.
The webinar series will be composed of 6 more sessions of one hour:
- Extension Headers-PDM results: May 4
- VPNs: June 1
- Extension Headers testing in Cloud: July 6
- Enhancements for Neighbour Discovery: August 24
- TBD: September 28
- IPv6 + CDN: November 30
Segment Routing (SR) architecture seeks to forward data packets on a network based on source routes as encoded in the data packet itself. This session will introduce the basic concepts of segment routing and then go in details of SRv6 (Segment Routing over IPv6 dataplane) technology. Find out about the IPv6 extension header and the potential of the SRv6 network programming concept that provides the ability to code directly into each packet header where the packet needs to be sent and how it should be treated.
Darren Dukes is a Principal Engineer at Cisco Systems where he designs and build solutions across Cisco’s routing and switching platforms. His current focus is on Segment Routing (SRv6 and SR MPLS) software and their implementation, as well as building the next generation of routing and switching software stacks for Cisco’s enterprise networking portfolio.
He’s active within the IETF, most recently concentrating on the SRv6 RFC8754, and SRv6 compression.
In his 25+ year career, Darren has built solutions at all levels of the routing stack from drivers to forwarding and control plane, focusing on creating simple solutions in complex problem spaces.
Dhruv Dhody has been working in the networking domain for the last 20 years with Huawei Technologies. Their current designation is Chief Architect – Standards. Over the years they have worked on MPLS VPNs, OSPF, NTP, ALTO, CSPF, etc for Huawei’s Routing Platform (VRP). They are currently working on research & standards for various emerging technologies such as Path Computation Element (PCE), Segment Routing (SR), and network slicing.
They have been an active IETF contributor since 2010 in Path Computation and Traffic Engineering with 33 RFCs as the main author or contributor. They have filed 21 patents. They have been selected to serve on the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).They are also serving as the PCE WG and EO-DIR co-chair at IETF as well as a part of the Routing Directorate and Operations directorate. They are currently Secretary of the Industry Network Technology Council (INTC). They are a founding member and on the advisory board of the India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) and ISOC Hyderabad Chapter.
Dhruv was awarded the Technical role model award by Zinnov and was recognized as a Technology stalwart in India.
From: Thursday, 9th March 2023 to Thursday, 30th November 2023
Session Topics for IPv6 webinars
- Introduction to Segment Routing and SRv6: March 9, 11 am Eastern 9:30 pm India
- Extension Headers-PDM results: May 4, 11 am Eastern, 8:30 pm India
- VPNs: June 1, 10 am Eastern, 8:30 pm India
- Extension Headers testing in Cloud: July 6, 11 am Eastern, 8:30 pm India
- Enhancements for Neighbour Discovery: August 24, 11 am Eastern, 8:30 pm India
- TBD: September 28, 11 am Eastern, 8:30 pm India
- IPv6 + CDN: November 30, 11 am Eastern, 9:30 pm India
The 6LoWPAN adaptation layer defines compression, fragmentation and reassembly, and frame delivery mechanisms for IPv6 datagrams. As specified in RFC 4944, when an entire IPv6 datagram fits within a single IEEE Std 802.15.4 frame, then the datagram is transmitted unfragmented without adding a fragmentation header in the LoWPAN encapsulation. On the opposite hand, if the compressed IPv6 datagram is larger than the IEEE Std 802.15.4 MTU (i.e., 127 bytes), then fragmentation is required to split the large datagram into multiple link-layer fragments of up to 127 bytes. The length of each link fragment is specified in multiples of eight bytes. The first part of this talk will be dedicated to the whole process of 6LoWPAN Fragmentation and Reassembly operation. The second part of the talk will be dedicated to 6LoWPAN Frame Delivery modes, the mesh under and the route over (or Per-Hop Fragmentation and Reassembly mode). Both approaches are widely employed in the Smart Grid networks around the world. The first mode takes place at the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer, where the nodes require the knowledge of the routes at Layer 2 based on MAC, whereas the second mode does it at Layer 3 based on IP. Finally, in the third and last part of the talk, an alternate approach called 6LoWPAN Fragment Forwarding (6LFF), i.e., RFC 8930, will be presented, whereby an intermediate node forwards a fragment without reassembling the complete IPv6 datagram first.
Georgios’s Bio:
This session will be presented by Georgios Z. Papadopoulos who has received the prestigious French national ANR JCJC 2017 grant for young researchers. He has been involved in the organization and program committee of many international events, such as IEEE ISCC’20, IEEE DIPI’19, AdHoc-Now’18, IEEE CSCN’18, GIIS’18, IEEE ISCC’17. Moreover, he has been serving as Associate Editor for Wireless Networks journal and Internet Technology Letters since 2018. He is author of more than 60 peer-reviewed publications in the area of computer communications, networks and cybersecurity. He actively participates at the IETF standards organization with multiple drafts in the ROLL and RAW Working Groups. His research interests include Industrial IoT, 6TiSCH, 6lo, LoRa & LPWAN, Wireless Battery Management System, Smart Grid, Cybersecurity and Moving Target Defense. Dr. Papadopoulos has received the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award granted by the University of Strasbourg and he was a recipient of two Best Paper Awards (IFIP Med-Hoc-Net’14 and IEEE SENSORS’14).
In this session, we will provide an overview of how you can use IPv6 on AWS today – how to enable and migrate workloads at scale from IPv4-only to either dual-stack or IPv6-only architectures. We will cover the Amazon VPC IPv6 capabilities, how you can achieve IPv6 connectivity on AWS and hybrid network, and we’ll review common adoption patterns for hybrid connectivity, Internet-facing applications, and applications hosted on the edge. We’ll start with IPv6 address management on AWS using Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) and take a step-by-step journey to an IPv6-enabled environment with Amazon VPC, peering, Transit Gateway and Cloud WAN, Direct Connect and VPN, are more.
Alexandra Huides Bio:
Alexandra Huides is working as a Networking Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS in Strategic Accounts. Alexandra is an experienced architect with extensive background in IPv4/IPv6 network design (routing/switching), network security (IPSEC/GRE/MPLS), troubleshooting, and network overlays/virtualization, software defined network design patterns and cloud networking solutions. She has designed and implemented multiple enterprise-scale networking solutions, spanning traditional data center technologies (Cisco/Juniper) and cloud vendors and services (AWS and Azure), and currently working with the largest scale AWS customers on their network infrastructure design.
IPv6 Extension Headers are an important part of the IPv6 protocol. In this session, we will learn:
- What are the frequently-used Extension Headers?
- What is the basic architecture?
- How are they used?
- What is the nature of the controversy surrounding them?
We will also present the results of our testing of IPv6 Extension Headers on the Internet and next steps.
The speaker will be Nalini Elkins, President of the Industry Network Technology Council.
Nalini’s Bio:
Nalini Elkins is the President of the Industry Network Technology Council. She is also the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis. In addition to being an experienced software product designer, developer, and planner, she has been the founder or co-founder of four start-ups in the high-tech arena.
Nalini started her career doing network design and monitoring for the Chevron network. She specializes in network performance analysis, measurement, monitoring, tuning, and troubleshooting of large enterprise networks.
One of her specialities is training and network design for IPv6 migration for large enterprises. Many of the Fortune 1000 level companies as well as the large US government organizations, have taken her classes on various networking topics.
She has developed network monitoring and diagnostic products, which were later marketed by IBM and other software companies. She received the A.A. Michelson award from the Computer Measurement Group for her contributions to the field. Nalini is on the Advisory Board of the India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc).

Connections is being held April 2-8, 2022, shortly after the IETF 113 meeting. It is a fully online event created jointly by IIESoc & INTC. The second day will include the following presentations:
- Introduction to IPv6 Extension Headers by Nalini Elkins
- An Update on IPv6 Fragmentation by Geoff Huston
- Panel Discussion on IPv6 Extension Headers with Eric Vyncke (Moderator)

Connections is being held April 2-8, 2022, shortly after the IETF 113 meeting. It is a fully online event created jointly by IIESoc & INTC. The first day will include the following keynote presentations:
- IPv6 — past, present & future by Bob Hinden
- Going Dark — catastrophic security and privacy losses due to loss of visibility by managed private network operators by Dr. Paul Vixie
- TBD by Ron Bonica
This is part of our “Migration Considerations for IPv6” series of educational webinars.
IP address Management (IPAM) is a critical tool of modern enterprise networks. IPAM not being a set Standard means there is a lot to consider when choosing an IPAM strategy and tool. IPv6 can present challenges due to its sheer scale of available IP Addresses. We will walk through features that can make this a seamless process and how tools can dramatically improve our IPAM solution’s accuracy and depth of information. We will finish up with a dive into the role our IPAM solution plays in overall enterprise security.
This is part of our “Migration Considerations for IPv6” series of educational webinars.
DHCP is so much more than assigning an IP address in our modern network environments. When moving to IPv6, this means we have a lot to consider and address.
This is part of our “Migration Considerations for IPv6” series of educational webinars.
DNS is often an overlooked aspect of any network environment. When moving to IPv6, this is an important aspect that must be planned for and addressed.
In this presentation Uma Chunduri talks about evolving 5G deployments in operator networks, in Multi-access Edge Clouds (MECs) as well as on-prem edges from requirements to network challenges. He talks about the ubiquitous and intelligent computing demands and usage of IPv6 in these deployments. He also talks about some of the unaddressed challenges in the network layer.
About Uma: Uma S. Chunduri is a 5G NW Architect at Next Generation and Standards Group, Intel and working on MEC NW architecture, intelligent compute scaling, edge strategy and solutions.
Uma is an IP routing and wireless expert with 20+ years of R&D background and expertise in SPs, CoSPs and Cloud networks. He previously worked at Futurewei (Huawei USA) as a Distinguished Engineer & Sr. Director of Technology at Future Networks CTO office providing solutions to enable various industry verticals with deterministic network services, 5G/B5G transport NW strategy and technology research & standardization. He is a technology contributor at ETSI, ITU-T FG2030 and at IETF with 10+ published RFCs and numerous Internet Drafts, as well as secured 50+ patents in his career. Uma was also with Intoto/Freescale Semiconductors, Kineto Wireless and was a Principal Systems Engineer at Ericsson R&D, USA. Uma is based in Santa Clara, California.
Concerned about adding a new protocol to your IP stack? Is someone in your company demanding that you have that capability on your mainframe? Don’t know what needs to be done and how much effort is involved? And what does it all mean?
Rob has done the hard work for you and can tell you what it takes to enable your mainframe systems for IPv6. This presentation will give you the few steps you need to get you going, to get IPv6 active on your z/OS system.
Rob started programming mainframe computers in 1971, and learned an exceptional array of languages, tools and techniques, all without internet assistance. He did some dazzling database work in the `80s, and wrote over half of the first online registration system for the University of Toledo. In the ‘90s he did contracts with three oil companies, a software company and a credit bureau, involving VM, MVS, VSE, OS/2, several flavors of Unix, and an equal variety of networking protocols. He is now with Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, supporting z/OS, z/VM and Linux, along with proprietary networking software. He has been involved with and a fan of IPv6 since early this century, performing the configuration and software upgrades required to support it on the mainframe. He happily notes that the mainframe was the first platform configured for it, with applications using IPv6 sockets exclusively. Rob is also co-author of RFC8250.
Concerned about adding a new protocol to your IP stack? Is someone in your company demanding that you have that capability on your mainframe? Don’t know what needs to be done and how much effort is involved? And what does it all mean?
Rob has done the hard work for you and can tell you what it takes to enable your mainframe systems for IPv6. This presentation will give you the few steps you need to get you going, to get IPv6 active on your z/OS system.
Rob started programming mainframe computers in 1971, and learned an exceptional array of languages, tools and techniques, all without internet assistance. He did some dazzling database work in the `80s, and wrote over half of the first online registration system for the University of Toledo. In the ‘90s he did contracts with three oil companies, a software company and a credit bureau, involving VM, MVS, VSE, OS/2, several flavors of Unix, and an equal variety of networking protocols. He is now with Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, supporting z/OS, z/VM and Linux, along with proprietary networking software. He has been involved with and a fan of IPv6 since early this century, performing the configuration and software upgrades required to support it on the mainframe. He happily notes that the mainframe was the first platform configured for it, with applications using IPv6 sockets exclusively. Rob is also co-author of RFC8250.
The IPv6 Trace Reading and Troubleshooting sessions cover the following:
- Introduction to Trace Reading
- IPv4 address structure
- IPv6 address structure
- IPv6 extension headers
- Security issues (header)
- Malformed packets
- Routing header
- Analyzing traces via Wireshark
Presented by Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann.
The IPv6 Trace Reading and Troubleshooting sessions cover the following:
- Introduction to Trace Reading
- IPv4 address structure
- IPv6 address structure
- IPv6 extension headers
- Security issues (header)
- Malformed packets
- Routing header
- Analyzing traces via Wireshark
Presented by Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann.
This session discusses the ways enterprises might want to think about migration to IPv6. Some vulnerabilities may be the same as IPv4 while other will be different. Vulnerabilities may be introduced by additional complexity, for example, transition mechanisms or dual-stacking.When many enterprises think about security, a number of areas are involved. These include:
- Audits/Compliance
- Threat detection
- Risk analysis
- Root cause determination
- Encryption
- Privacy
- Confidentiality
- Penetration testing
Presented by Nalini Elkins.
The agenda topics for these classes include:
- IPv4 address depletion status
- Will cloud providers charge for IPv4?
- AUnique Local Addresses (ULA)
- Can / should ULA be used in Cloud?
- Oracle cloud IPv6 addressing lab
- AWS cloud IPv6 addressing lab
Nalini Elkins, Shahreen Fredrich, Ajay Chhabria, Priyanka Sinha, Lee Howard & Mohit P. Tahiliani
Part 1 is not available.
The agenda topics for this class include:
- DHCPv6 Modes
- DHCPv6 Relay
- Address Allocation
- Basic commands: Client
- Basic commands: Server / Relay
- Prefix ‘Hints’
Nalini Elkins & Mohit P. Tahiliani
The agenda topics for this class include:
- DHCPv6 Modes
- DHCPv6 Relay
- Address Allocation
- Basic commands: Client
- Basic commands: Server / Relay
- Prefix ‘Hints’
Nalini Elkins & Mohit P. Tahiliani
Enterprises rarely switch over from IPv4 to IPv6 in one step. Generally, companies will run dual-stack for a time, where both IPv4 and IPv6 are available on devices. This doesn’t solve most of the problems IPv6 was designed to solve, so we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of:
- Dual-stack
- NAT44
- Dual-stack Lite
- NAT64/DNS64
- 464xlat
- IPv6-Only
Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann
Enterprises rarely switch over from IPv4 to IPv6 in one step. Generally, companies will run dual-stack for a time, where both IPv4 and IPv6 are available on devices. This doesn’t solve most of the problems IPv6 was designed to solve, so we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of:
- Dual-stack
- NAT44
- Dual-stack Lite
- NAT64/DNS64
- 464xlat
- IPv6-Only
Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann
The agenda topics include:
- Discuss how a good address plan makes security and routing policy easier,
- Consider numbering your LAN segment, SSID, or VLAN,
- Consider numbering for sites, backbone, links,
- Consider how to remember your addresses for diagnostics and troubleshooting, and
- Look at plans that other enterprises have done.
Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann
The agenda topics include:
- Review the important prefixes needed for an IPv6 address plan,
- Discuss how a good address plan makes security and routing policy easier,
- Consider numbering your LAN segment, SSID, or VLAN,
- Consider numbering for sites, backbone, links,
- Consider how to remember your addresses for diagnostics and troubleshooting, and
- Look at plans that other enterprises have done.
Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann
The agenda topics include:
- Stateless Autoconfiguration
- ICMPv6
- Neighbor Discovery
- Neighbor Solicitation / Advertisement
- Router Solicitation / Advertisement
- Multicast Listener Discovery
Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann
The agenda topics include:
- Stateless Autoconfiguration
- ICMPv6
- Neighbor Discovery
- Neighbor Solicitation / Advertisement
- Router Solicitation / Advertisement
- Multicast Listener Discovery
Nalini Elkins & Michael Ackermann
To be successful in implementing and understanding IPv6 networks, you need to first understand the IPv6 address methodology which is, in many ways, a fundamental change from the IPv4 paradigm. In this introduction, you will become familiar with what is different as well as what is the same with IPv6.
- Public and private addresses
- IPv6 Prefixes
- IPv6 Address Structure
- IPv6 Interface ID
- IPv6 Addressing and Address Allocation Methods (stateless, statefull)
- Address types, unicast, multicast, anycast
- Address categories: global, site local, link local
- Unique Local Unicast addresses
- Zero compression
- Special addresses (loopback, unspecified, IPv4 mapped IPv6)
- Broadcast address elimination
This webinar will be followed by a hands-on lab to illustrate the concepts shown. You do not need any equipment to participate. We will send full instructions so that if you wish, you may do the same commands / exercises but this is entirely optional.
Presented by Nalini Elkins.
To be successful in implementing and understanding IPv6 networks, you need to first understand the IPv6 address methodology which is, in many ways, a fundamental change from the IPv4 paradigm. In this introduction, you will become familiar with what is different as well as what is the same with IPv6.
- Public and private addresses
- IPv6 Prefixes
- IPv6 Address Structure
- IPv6 Interface ID
- IPv6 Addressing and Address Allocation Methods (stateless, statefull)
- Address types, unicast, multicast, anycast
- Address categories: global, site local, link local
- Unique Local Unicast addresses
- Zero compression
- Special addresses (loopback, unspecified, IPv4 mapped IPv6)
- Broadcast address elimination
This webinar will be followed by a hands-on lab to illustrate the concepts shown. You do not need any equipment to participate. We will send full instructions so that if you wish, you may do the same commands / exercises but this is entirely optional.
Presented by Nalini Elkins.
How security will be handled in IPv6 is a question asked by many. Myths abound. In this session, we will start to look at:
• NAT is not a firewall (security by obscurity)
• Complexities introduced by multiple stacks
• Risks introduced by not considering IPv6
• Reconn attacks and defense
• Local network attacks and defense
• Unauthenticated NDP (similar to ARP)
• Cache table exhaustion and ping-pong attacks
• Rogue device attachments
• Mitigations
• Extension Headers
• ICMPv6
This is only a start. In the following year, we plan to do a more detailed investigation of this critical area. There will be follow-on webcasts. In the survey to enterprises, many people said that this was a topic they considered very important.
Nalini Elkins is the President of the Industry Network Technology Council. She is also the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis. In addition to being an experienced software product designer, developer, and planner, she is a formidable businesswoman. She has been the founder or co-founder of three start-ups in the high-tech arena.
This webinar will be taught by Jon Worley (ARIN) and Nalini Elkins (INTC). This is a part of the Community Grant to INTC from ARIN.
Jon will start by helping you better understand IPv6 address planning, how to determine the right block size for your organization, and how to plan for growth. We will include some real-life examples and even an opportunity to try your hand at planning for your own organization! Nalini will go into even more detail and provide some rules for IPv6 address planning.In this session, we will:
- Review the important prefixes needed for an IPv6 address plan,
- Do a sample address plan together,
- Discuss how a good address plan makes security and routing policy easier,
- Consider numbering your LAN segment, SSID, or VLAN,
- Consider numbering for sites, backbone, links, Consider how to remember your addresses for diagnostics and troubleshooting, and
- Look at plans that other enterprises have done.
Jon Worley is the Senior Technology Architect with ARIN and has been a member of the Registration Services team since 2004. He has experience with all ARIN policies and procedures for requesting, managing, and transferring IP addresses and AS numbers, including technical services such as ARIN’s RESTful API. Jon has spoken about these topics as well as IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption at many ARIN events.
Nalini Elkins is the President of the Industry Network Technology Council. She is also the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis. In addition to being an experienced software product designer, developer, and planner, she is a formidable businesswoman. She has been the founder or co-founder of three start-ups in the high-tech arena.
This session is funded with a grant from ARIN. It is a two-hour webinar.
Dual Stack and Transition Mechanisms
Enterprises rarely switch over from IPv4 to IPv6 in one step. Generally, companies will run dual-stack for a time, where both IPv4 and IPv6 are available on devices. This doesn’t solve most of the problems IPv6 was designed to solve, so we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of:
- Dual-stack
- NAT44
- Dual-stack Lite
- NAT64/DNS64
- 464xlat
- IPv6-Only
DHCPv6Although IPv6 provides new addressing possibilities (SLAAC), most enterprises will want to continue using DHCP — which is now DHCPv6. We will describe how a client finds a DHCPv6 server, what information it can request and expect back. We will compare DHCPv6 to SLAAC. We will discuss:
- DHCPv6 Solicit Advertise, Request, Reply
- DHCPv6 multicast addresses
- Prefix “hints” to request the same prefix, or any prefix of a certain size
- Additional information (DNS, transition mechanism, etc.)
Nalini Elkins is the President of the Industry Network Technology Council.
She is also the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis. In addition to being an experienced software product designer, developer, and planner, she is a formidable businesswoman. She has been the founder or co-founder of three start-ups in the high-tech arena.
Bob Hinden will talk about how and why IPv6 was developed in the IETF, the state of the deployment of iPv6 on the Internet, and what he thinks the future looks like.
Bob Hinden is a Check Point Fellow at Check Point Software, and co-chairs the IPv6 working group in the IETF. He is the co-inventor of the Internet Protocol Version 6 Protocol (IPv6).
Bob Hinden was the Chair of the Internet Society Board of Trustees from 2013 to 2016, and a member of the Board of Trustees from 2010-2016. Previously at Nokia, he was a Nokia Fellow, Chief Internet Technologist at Nokia Networks, and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at the Nokia IP Routing Group.Bob Hinden was one of the early employees (i.e., employee number 4) of Ipsilon Networks, Inc. Ipsilon was acquired by Nokia on December 31, 1997. He was previously employed at Sun Microsystems where he was responsible for the Internet Engineering group that implements internet protocols for Sun’s operating systems. Prior to this he worked at Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc. on a variety of internetwork related projects including the first operational internet router and one of the first TCP/IP implementations.Bob Hinden was co-recipient of the 2008 IEEE Internet Award for pioneering work in the development of the first Internet routers.
Bob Hinden has been active in the IETF since 1985 and is the author of forty two RFCs, including three April 1 RFCs. He served as the chair of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) from 2009 through 2013. Prior to this he served on the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), was Area Director for Routing in the Internet Engineering Steering group from 1987 to 1994, and chaired the IPv6, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, Simple Internet Protocol Plus, IPAE, the IP over ATM, and the Open Routing working groups. He is also a member of the RFC Editorial Board and the RFC Series Oversight Committee.Bob Hinden holds an B.S.E.E., and a M.S. in Computer Science from Union College, Schenectady, New York.
This session is funded with a grant from ARIN. It is a two-hour webinar consisting of IPv6 Fundamentals and Neighbor Discovery.
IPv6 Fundamentals: To be successful in implementing and understanding IPv6 networks, you need to first understand the IPv6 address methodology which is, in many ways, a fundamental change from the IPv4 paradigm. In this introduction, you will become familiar with what is different as well as what is the same with IPv6.
- Public and private addresses
- IPv6 Prefixes
- IPv6 Address Structure
- IPv6 Interface ID
- IPv6 Addressing and Address Allocation Methods (stateless, statefull)
- Address types, unicast, multicast, anycast
- Address categories: global, site local, link local
- Unique Local Unicast addresses
- Zero compression
- Special addresses (loopback, unspecified, IPv4 mapped IPv6)
- Broadcast address elimination
.Neighbor Discovery (SLAAC)Description: The Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is one of key building blocks of IPv6, though it creates an alphabet soup of acronyms (NDP, RA, RS, NS, NA, DAD, MLD, SLAAC, RDNSS). We will describe how NDP works and its basic functions, including addressing and routing. Network engineers and systems engineers who are familiar with IPv6 addresses are welcome.
- Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
- Router Advertisements (RA)
- Router Solicitation (RS)
- Neighbor Solicitation (NS)
- Neighbor Advertisement (NA)
- Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
- Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
- Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
- Router Advertisements for DNS (RDNSS)
Nalini Elkins is the President of the Industry Network Technology Council.