India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) & Industry Network Technology Council (INTC) will be organizing the 6th iteration of Connections as a joint fully online event on Feb 5-8 2024.
Network Observability track with a panel discussion between Thomas Graf, Michael Ackermann, Paolo Lucente, Pierre Francois, Dinesh G Dutt, and Daniel Voyer
While Network Observability varies across different networks, there is a push for a more systemic perspective among network operators. The panel will commence with brief presentations from diverse backgrounds, including network operators, enterprises, and academia, presenting their viewpoints. The discussion will encompass the transition from SNMP to YANG, as well as topics like BMP, IPFIX, Network Telemetry, and Data Mesh integration. There will be an exploration of bridging the gap between the network and data engineering industry. The panel aims to spotlight the development of network observability applications and address the distinct challenges faced in service providers, enterprises, and academia.