Introduction to IETF

Date: March 19, 2020
Time: 00:00 UTC - 00:00 UTC
Slides: Slides
Recording: Recording
standards overview

The IETF has documented most of the protocols used in the Internet below the application layer. This brief overview in intended to inform the audience about the IETF – what it is, what it does, who it is composed of, and how it works. It will also point out the IETF’s deficiencies; specifically, that constituencies that don’t participate often don’t find their issues resolved in those specifications, which often works against them in one way or another. Ideally, those constituencies will be motivated and guided in making an impact on the technologies that their businesses depend on.

Fred Baker has worked in the software engineering of computer networks since 1978, including Internet technology starting in 1986. He has chaired several IETF working groups on various topics; since 2005, he has chaired or co-chaired the IPv6 Operations working group. In addition, he chaired the IETF 1996-2001, and served on the Internet Architecture Board 1996-2002. He has also been a member of the board of the Internet Software Consortium, which runs one of the DNS root services, since 2008, and represents them in ICANN’s Root Server System Advisory Committee – which he has also chaired 2018-present. He is currently also the chair and primary editor in ITU Focus Group on Quantum Technology in Networking, in the sub-group related to the Implications of Quantum IT on Networks. He represented Cisco in BITAG, writing or contributing to many documents intended to inform the FCC on Internet technology 2013-2016. Additionally, he has written or edited 61 RFCs since 1989.