IoT Webinar Series: IPv6 and 6LoWPAN

Date: May 26, 2022
Time: 15:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC
Location: UTC
Slides: Slides
Recording: Recording
Register: Register

In this IPv6 and 6LoWPAN Webinar, a detailed overview of the 6LoWPAN Adaptation layer will be given. Indeed, this webinar is dedicated on how 6LoWPAN enables to use of IPv6 over IEEE Std 802.15.4 networks. During this webinar, the following three objectives will be covered:

  • First, the principles of IPv6 Header Format overview will be given, then the constraints that IPv6 presents over IEEE Std 802.15.4 technology are explored, and finally, an overview on 6LoWPAN Adaptation layer is introduced.
  • The second objective is dedicated on 6LoWPAN header compression (i.e., RFC 6282) and IPv6 packet fragmentation mechanisms (i.e., RFC 4944) that allow the transmission of IPv6 packets over IEEE Std 802.15.4 radio links.
  • The third and the last objective of this webinar is dedicated on standardized fragment forwarding approaches. This objective is split in two parts. In the first part, the two Frame Delivery modes (i.e., Mesh-Under and Route-Over) are described, while in the second part, an alternate approach called 6LoWPAN Fragment Forwarding (6LFF) is introduced, whereby an intermediate node forwards a fragment without reassembling the complete IPv6 datagram first (i.e., RFC 8930). Moreover, a 6LoWPAN Selective Fragment Recovery mechanism will be presented (i.e.,RFC 8931).

Georgios’s Bio:

Georgios Z. Papadopoulos (MIEEE) serves as an Associate Professor at the IMT Atlantique in Rennes, France. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bristol. He received his Ph.D. from University of Strasbourg, in 2015 with honors, his M.Sc. in Telematics Engineering from University Carlos III of Madrid in 2012 and his B.Sc. in Informatics from Alexander T.E.I. of Thessaloniki in 2011. Dr. Papadopoulos has participated in numerous international and national research projects on diverse networking verticals. He has received the prestigious French national ANR JCJC 2017 grant for young researchers. He has been involved in the organization and program committee of many international events, such as IEEE ISCC’20, IEEE DIPI’19, AdHoc-Now’18, IEEE CSCN’18, GIIS’18, IEEE ISCC’17. Moreover, he has been serving as Associate Editor for Wireless Networks journal and Internet Technology Letters since 2018. He is author of more than 60 peer-reviewed publications in the area of computer communications, networks and cybersecurity. He actively participates at the IETF standards organization with multiple drafts in the ROLL and RAW Working Groups. His research interests include Industrial IoT, 6TiSCH, 6lo, LoRa & LPWAN, Wireless Battery Management System, Smart Grid, Cybersecurity and Moving Target Defense. Dr. Papadopoulos has received the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award granted by the University of Strasbourg and he was a recipient of two Best Paper Awards (IFIP Med-Hoc-Net’14 and IEEE SENSORS’14).