IPv6 Fundamentals

Date: September 5, 2024
Time: 15:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC
Location: UTC
Slides: Slides
Recording: Recording
Register: Register

Two-part IPv6 Fundamentals and IPv6 MultiCast training course, led by Networking and IPv6 expert Nalini Elkins. We encourage you to register now for this exciting opportunity!


To be successful in implementing and understanding IPv6 networks, you need to first understand the IPv6 address methodology which is, in many ways, a fundamental change from the IPv4 paradigm. In this introduction, you will become familiar with what is different as well as what is the same with IPv6. Network engineers and systems engineers who are familiar with IPv6 addresses are welcome. This two part series will cover:
● Public and private addresses
● IPv6 Prefixes
● IPv6 Address Structure
● IPv6 Interface ID
● IPv6 Addressing and Address Allocation Methods (stateless, statefull)
● Address types, unicast, multicast, anycast
● Address categories: global, site local, link local
● Unique Local Unicast addresses
● Zero compression
● Special addresses (loopback, unspecified, IPv4 mapped IPv6)
● Broadcast address elimination

We will also do an introduction to Neighbor Discovery (ND). The Neighbor Discovery Protocol is one of key building blocks of IPv6, though it creates an alphabet soup of acronyms (NDP, RA, RS, NS, NA, DAD, MLD, SLAAC, RDNSS). We will describe how NDP works and its basic functions, including addressing and routing.

● Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
● Router Advertisements (RA)
● Router Solicitation (RS)
● Neighbor Solicitation (NS)

● Neighbor Advertisement (NA)
● Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
● Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
● Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
● Router Advertisements for DNS (RDNSS)


Nalini Elkins is the CEO and Founder of Inside Products, Inc, and the President of the Industry Network Technology Council. Nalini is a recognized leader in the field of computer performance measurement and analysis and has been the founder or co-founder of three start-ups in the high-tech arena. Nalini started her career doing network design and monitoring for the Chevron network. She specializes in network performance analysis, measurement, monitoring, tuning, and troubleshooting of large enterprise networks. One of her specialties is training and network design for IPv6 migration for large enterprises. Many Fortune 1000 level companies as well as large US government organizations have taken her classes on various networking topics. She
has developed network monitoring and diagnostic products which were later marketed by IBM and other software companies. She received the A.A. Michelson award from the Computer Measurement Group for her contributions to the field. Nalini is on the Advisory Board of the India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc).