Getting Started with IPv6 on the Mainframe: Part 2

Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 00:00 UTC - 00:00 UTC
Slides: Slides
Recording: Recording

Concerned about adding a new protocol to your IP stack? Is someone in your company demanding that you have that capability on your mainframe? Don’t know what needs to be done and how much effort is involved? And what does it all mean?
Rob has done the hard work for you and can tell you what it takes to enable your mainframe systems for IPv6. This presentation will give you the few steps you need to get you going, to get IPv6 active on your z/OS system.
Rob started programming mainframe computers in 1971, and learned an exceptional array of languages, tools and techniques, all without internet assistance. He did some dazzling database work in the `80s, and wrote over half of the first online registration system for the University of Toledo. In the ‘90s he did contracts with three oil companies, a software company and a credit bureau, involving VM, MVS, VSE, OS/2, several flavors of Unix, and an equal variety of networking protocols. He is now with Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, supporting z/OS, z/VM and Linux, along with proprietary networking software. He has been involved with and a fan of IPv6 since early this century, performing the configuration and software upgrades required to support it on the mainframe. He happily notes that the mainframe was the first platform configured for it, with applications using IPv6 sockets exclusively. Rob is also co-author of RFC8250.